Monday, August 3, 2015

Journey to Europe : Part 1

A dream come true.

That’s how I would describe my recent Europe trip about a month ago.

How did it all started?

Once upon a time…


Nahhhhh…straight to the point shall we?

Back when I was 21, I wrote on a piece of paper the 5 things I would like to do before I turned 25.
It goes a little like this;

1.       Write an article and get it published (small scale)
2.       Write a song that is recognized by at least 100 people
3.       Get a job
4.       Get a car
5.       Travel to at least 5 countries

Through and through, I never thought that I could complete the list. First, the list was made out randomly and second, I was already beyond happy that I manage to complete 4 out of the 5 listed.

So much so that I started to disregard the list and about to declare “Mission Accomplished”.
Just when I thought that dreams don’t come true, life surprises me.

At the end of 2014, my aunt and mother decided to buy a return ticket to Amsterdam. They made it known to me with the quest to make me jealous. Oh yeah of course they succeeded.


It then triggers me that I still have a solid year in my timeline to complete the list. Should I try to complete my so-called list?

That’s the moment that I peek into my account just to see if I can afford a ticket of my own.

Turn on laptop…Go online…XXX bank account…Amount XXX…Smile…

“Mom, I’ll tag along for the Europe trip ya? Please… I can afford it (smirk),” I blurt out to Mom.

After a little pep talk and some nagging, I finally tag along IF…and only IF, I can come up with a complete itinerary for our 12 days journey.

A tit for a tat.

That was how it started…

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